
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkerDiscountedSalesHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_EM_DSC_SLS

A collection of accumulators for each employee who purchases merchandise, at a discount, from the store.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer ReportingPeriod(CA_PRD_RP)
WorkerID (FK)(PK) A unique system-assigned identifier for the Person who is a particular Worker. ID_WRKR Identity integer Worker(PA_WRKR)
ReturnTotalAmount The total monetary amount of refunds made for ITEMs originally purchased as part of an EMPLOYEE discount scheme in each REPORTING PERIOD. MO_RTN_TOT_EM_DSC Money decimal(16,5)
TotalTransactionCount The total number of transactions involving EMPLOYEE purchases in a given REPORTING PERIOD. QU_TRN_TOT_EM_DSC QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalMiscellaneousFeeCount The total number of miscellaneous fees discounted for EMPLOYLEEs in each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_FE_MSC_TOT_EM QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
MiscellaneousFeeTotalAmount The total monetary amount of discount granted to EMPLOYEEs for miscellaneous fees in each REPORTING PERIOD. MO_FE_MSC_EM_DSC Money decimal(16,5)
NetSalesTotalAmount The total monetary amount of net sales resulting from EMPLOYEE purchases in each REPORTING PERIOD. MO_SLS_NT_EM_DSC Money decimal(16,5)
LineItemCount The total number of ITEMs discounted as part of EMPLOYEE purchases in each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_ITM_LN_EM_DSC QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TotalAmount The total monetary amount of discount granted in EMPLOYEE purchases in each REPORTING PERIOD. MO_SLS_TOT_EM_DSC Money decimal(16,5)
TotalRefundCount The total number of refunds made for ITEMs originally purchased as part of an EMPLOYEE discount scheme in each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_RFD_TOT_EM_DSC QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
RefundTotalAmount The total number of refunds made for ITEMs originally purchased as part of an EMPLOYEE discount scheme in each REPORTING PERIOD. MO_RFD_TOT_EM_DSC Money decimal(16,5)
TotalReturnCount The total number of returns of ITEMs originally purchased as part of an EMPLOYEE discount scheme in each REPORTING PERIOD. QU_RTN_TOT_EM_DSC QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ReportingPeriod delineates WorkerDiscountedSalesHistory
Worker is tracked by WorkerDiscountedSalesHistory

Logical Views containing WorkerDiscountedSalesHistory

Logical View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 11140 - Worker - Retail Transaction View
Logical 11160 - Worker - Reporting View